Day 30 - Lake End to Putney Bridge

Day 30 – Lake End to Putney Bridge

The last long day – just 6 miles to do in the morning.

We had dozens of people walking with us today, many suicide-bereaved parents and others who wanted to offer their support.

Everyone, and we mean EVERYONE, we meet is saying the same thing – since suicide is the biggest killer of young people, why aren’t we talking about it?

Please sign our petition and help us push the government into adding suicide prevention to the school curriculum.

Tomorrow we will start walking at 0530 from the northern end of Putney Bridge, heading up the Kings Road to Belgravia, walking down The Mall to Trafalgar Square before turning into Whitehall to head for Westminster. We will finish our +600 mile walk at Victoria Gardens next to the Palace of Westminster.

If you cant join us tomorrow please watch BBC Breakfast – they will cover our walk live. We’ll be on at 0630, 0730 and the finish at 0830.

Thank you for your support


Day 31 - Putney Bridge to Westminster (the finish!)


Day 29 - The Cunning Man to Lake End