Prime Minister’s Question

We are very grateful to Dr Neil Hudson (Andy's MP) for raising our campaign in yesterday's Prime Minister's Questions (1st February 2023)..

His well-crafted question captured much about our campaign, why we’re involved and what we are trying to achieve.

When the Prime Minister began his response we feared we might be fobbed-off with something about improvements in mental health provision in schools, however being invited to meet him is a great result - a notable step forward.

We have been trying to get our decision-makers to realise the awful situation we are allowing to happening in the country - thousands of young people dying every year and these deaths disappearing from view.

Our question for the PM will be;

Suicide is the biggest risk to our young people’s lives, why aren’t we talking to them about this risk in schools?

We look forward to getting a date for this meeting in our diaries and talking to the PM about our campaign..


3 Dads Walking at Westminster


Harry Biggs-Davison explains why suicide prevention needs to be on the school curriculum